Conor O’Donovan, Head of the National Enterprise Hub & Global Marketing & Communication, Enterprise Ireland.
Running a business is challenging, but accessing government supports shouldn’t be. While there is a broad range of government supports available to SMEs in Ireland, our research has shown that business often do not have the time to search for supports. This can be due to the challenge of navigating the broad network of supports and trying to figure out which grants, funding and training programmes their business might be eligible for.
The National Enterprise Hub (NEH), a new dedicated free service, has been designed to help Irish SMEs find the support they need to grow their business, become more productive, energy efficient, digital and sustainable. Viewed as a ‘Citizen’s Information’ for business, the new Hub brings together more than 180 supports from 19 different Government departments and State agencies.
It’s a reliable single source of information, making it simple and easy for businesses to seek the right support, whether they are in retail, hospitality, tourism, food and beverages, or other sectors. The free to access NEH aims to ensure more Irish SMEs get access to the right grants, funding, loans, expert advice or training for their needs.
The Hub bring together supports from multiple agencies and Government departments under one roof through its easy-to-use website and is also staffed with advisors who can guide small business owners and managers every step of the way to finding the support they need. The core Hub team have worked to develop an excellent network of contacts across all 19 agencies and departments, so they can quickly and efficiently connect business owners and managers to the right people.
Regardless of size, any business can utilise the hub and learn about funding opportunities, upskilling and other supports to which they may be eligible for. The hub then facilitates direct contact with the appropriate agency personnel overseeing the relevant program.
The agencies involved include those with a broad general business support remit, such as Enterprise Ireland, the Local Enterprise Office Network, IDA Ireland, InterTrade Ireland, training body Skillnet Ireland and further education body Solas, along with multiple government departments. And these include the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, the Department of Finance, the Department of Social Protection and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
Information and resources on supports for specific sectors are also accessible through the National Enterprise Hub including Bord Bia (the Irish Food Board), Fáilte Ireland, the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and Teagasc (the Agriculture and Food Development Authority) and Design & Crafts Council Ireland
Specialist finance agencies MicroFinance Ireland and the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland are also connected to the Hub, as are Irish language business agency Údarás na Gaeltachta and the Western Development Commission.
Furthermore, to ensure this new service meets Irish businesses immediate needs, the hub was developed with invaluable input provided by business owners and industry groups including the Small Firms Association (SFA), IBEC, Retail Excellence Ireland, the Irish SME Association (ISME) and Chambers Ireland.
Businesses can access the online National Enterprise Hub at or on 01 727 2100, Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm and speak to a dedicated business advisor.