Virgin Media Business – Backing Business : Find A Venue

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Sean Gleeson, Founder and Managing Director of Find A Venue

Sean Gleeson, Founder and Managing Director of Find A Venue

Introducing Sean Gleeson, Founder and Managing Director of Find A Venue.

For over 13 years, Find A Venue – Irelands number one free venue finding service has been an integral part of Dublin’s event landscape, serving both the local community and corporate event bookers across the city. Founded by Sean Gleeson, whose 18 years of sales and marketing experience includes 15 years in the events industry, the company has set itself apart with one unique promise: it’s 100% free to use.

Designed to take the hassle out of sourcing venues for both corporate and private events, Find A Venue offers a seamless, hands-on service that extends right through to the day of the event. Clients can rely on the company to save them both time and money, whether it’s securing a venue for a corporate retreat, booking a themed event, or finding group accommodation at unbeatable rates.

In recent years, the company has evolved into a one-stop solution for event organisers, not only sourcing venues but also handling entertainment, audio-visual setups, party supplies, and more. As trends shift towards team-building experiences that prioritise good food over drinks, Sean has been at the forefront of advising venue owners on fresh concepts that cater to this demand.

With exciting new developments on the horizon for Dublin’s event scene in 2024 and 2025, Find A Venue continues to stay ahead of the curve, offering unparalleled support to its clients. Whether you need a venue, entertainment, or just advice on creating a memorable experience, Find A Venue is the trusted partner that makes it all happen, effortlessly.

“Continuing to expand my horizons, I joined the Backing Business Campaign to attend events organised by Virgin Media Business’ great initiative and grow my network,” comments Sean. “I highly recommend joining the Backing Business Community, as I find it incredibly informative for digital marketing and emerging trends. It helps me stay ahead of the curve and provides valuable insights to further enhance my business.”

To join the FREE Backing Business Community, call 1800 940 264 to discuss how Virgin Media Business can Back your Business.








To get in touch with Sean, call +353 1 5253560, email or visit