In the very competitive drinks industry, any savings your company can make are essential to carving out a greater margin and making your brand successful. At the same time, finding ways to make your company more sustainable doesn’t have to cost you more money and can both work in conjunction to help save you money and create an energy-efficient brewery.
For its own brand-new brewery, the Post Card Brewing Company has designed a fully electric brew kit. No gas-water heaters or gas-heating kettle. With an all-electric kit, it can set up solar panels to help defray the ever-increasing cost of energy. Other energy cost savings include using off-hours to heat water overnight at the cheapest hours for electricity to use for its early morning brews.
One of the biggest waste by-products of the brewing process is the spent grain. Securing a way to remove this waste product requires a partnership with farms that can use the spent grain to feed their livestock. This is a valuable commodity, and this partnership must include the collection of the spent grain; otherwise, breweries are spending as much to transport the spent grain as they would having to dispose of it.
Post Card Brewing Company is continuing to look for ways to reduce its costs and create new ways to brew its beers in the most energy-efficient manner while creating great beers with its dynamic Dublin-inspired branding.